Branding and Logo Design
Branding and Logo Design
Good branding says, “Yep! I have my s*** together. I am a true-blue professional!”
Bad branding says, “I’m pretending like I know what I’m doing, but I actually had to google what you just said when you weren’t looking.” (Hey, we’re all guilty of it, but don’t let your clients know that.)
It’s not just having a great logo. It’s about making sure that no matter what you present to your clients, it looks great and it has your thumbprint on it. It tells your story through images and content.
The average person shops the web on computers as well as mobile technology. They are looking for businesses that will serve their individual personalities and passions. That means no canned images, no fake messages, no hidden agenda...
Good branding will tell your customers exactly what they need to know in order to feel like they can trust you and your business; this above all will keep you ahead of your competition.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler, the better. I will help you get the look you need to make your business thrive.
Web Design
Web Design
Your website is one of the most powerful tools you can have. People use search engines to find what they are looking for. If you are not online and people can't find you using google, your business is losing revenue.
I pride myself in creating gorgeous, fully optimized (a fancy word that means that search engines can find you) websites for my clients and not taking forever to do so. I create a custom template for your site and take all the steps necessary to ensure that updates can be done as often as needed and without having to reinvent the wheel.
Many of my clients have been burned by flakey designers. They used someone to build their site and spent a lot of money and effort on it. Then, a year later, they need to change something or something breaks on their site and for some reason, their designer has fallen off the face of the planet and cannot be reached. I am committed to creating a relationship with my clients so that they feel they can get ahold of me when they need me. I frequently check in to make sure everything is functioning properly.
You provide a service, and people go shopping for the service you provide. It's becoming more and more important for customers to understand who they are buying from. They want to see your face, and how you perform your business. They want to know your story and that you are passionate about what you do.
How many times have you been searching for certain products or services, and you run into a website or brochure with a bunch of stock photography and you're thinking, "This looks fake" and you're immediately turned off?
Depending on where you are located, I can either visit your business to photograph you and your service, or I can refer someone to you. Giving people the opportunity to learn about who you are will make a huge difference in your sales!
Social Media Management
Social Media Management
Social Media is one of the easiest ways for you to connect with your customers! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other outlets can show people your business and the personality behind it.
The most important aspect of social media is consistency. I have been managing many different outlets for my clients, and a common theme is that either they just don't have time to commit to posting regularly, or they don't understand the technology necessary to make their social media effective. If there's ONE simple thing I know will help your business, it's making sure you have regular, quality posts for all of your social media.